Making Communications Buzz

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Try Google Page Creator

If you haven't tried Google Page Creator yet, you really should.

Whether you are a pro Web developer, or a total novice to the Web, or somewhere in between, take a minute to find out what Google is up to. For instance, just go to this page and click on any link you see. There is a lot to choose from, and there's more on the way.

As a partner noted, the only problem with Google is that the average person doesn't even know what they offer.

That's true. I'm sure I don't know about everything Google has to offer. And yet whenever they roll something out, it seems that they can't handle the overwhelming positive response: too many people want to use it. The quick closing of access to Google Page Creator is one example.

Have you found something Google offers that you love to use? Have you found something that doesn't work so well?