Collaboration Online: It's Web 2-thiness
While many of us wait for yet another invitation from Google (along with countless thousands of others, I am still waiting for an invitation to sign up for Google Analytics), this time for the honor of signing up for Writely, check out a similar suite of Web 2.0 products from 37signals.
This is what Web 2.0 is all about: Web applications that allow you to post a document that others can view, edit and comment on; manage a project; organize documents; group chat for businesses... All of which can be stored in secure, password protected server space.
Why didn't someone think of this stuff sooner? Because they were busy inovatively defending their various monopolies in court.
Maybe Google should hire away some folks from 37signals to help them get up to speed with Writely.
This is what Web 2.0 is all about: Web applications that allow you to post a document that others can view, edit and comment on; manage a project; organize documents; group chat for businesses... All of which can be stored in secure, password protected server space.
Why didn't someone think of this stuff sooner? Because they were busy inovatively defending their various monopolies in court.
Maybe Google should hire away some folks from 37signals to help them get up to speed with Writely.
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