Here's a very useful service, a free source of news information that you can customize to suit your interests. It's from BizJournals' parent, American City Business Journals, publishes 41 local business weeklies around the country.
Just tell what kinds of stories you want to hear about and you will receive an e-mail each week summarizing the results. I have found the quality of stories to be much better than what you typically get from Google Alerts or Yahoo! News.
You can receive general alerts about a particular business sector like Health Care or Manufacturing. And you can receive a notification any time there is a story with a keyword you supply.
Track a business: "Exxon Mobil", "IBM", whatever. Or track any topic you like: "e-mail", "butter", "robotics", you name it. Be sure to use alternate spellings like "email" to capture all the relevant stories.
This is an extremely useful feature that allows you to receive a whole host of e-mail notifications regarding stories that appear in any of the 41 local BizJournals editions. The stories you have access to via these notifications tend to be of a much higher quality than what you will get from Google or Yahoo! because the latter do not filter their results much.
Most of the alerts I have ever gotton from Yahoo! tend to be highly commercial: they are practically -- if not plainly -- advertisements for some product or other. There's no way I have time to sift through all those results to find things I really want to read. Google is not much better.
BizJournals stories, on the other hand, are never endorsements for a product, and they are not biased toward some product or other. They are just quality business news reports.
And, given the nature of the BizJournals publications, you can get an inside look at a local business environment that's hard to find on a regular basis in national pubs like the Wall Street Journal or any of the business news magazines.
Go to and register. (It's free. No strings attached. They won't give out your information.)
After registering, on the home page, pick any city using the drop-down menu under "Choose Another Market".
Now you should see in the main navigation a button called "SUBSCRIBE". Rollover "SUBSCRIBE", and you'll find "Email Alerts". Select the types of news you prefer, add any keywords you like, and you are ready to go. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe at any time.