Making Communications Buzz

Friday, October 13, 2006

Latest Blogging Buzz: HitTail - SEO for Blogs - Bring More Visitors to Your Site

Tracking the search terms people use to find your Web site or blog can tell you a lot more than what the most popular terms are. It can tell you about the "long tail", the more unusual or unique sets of keywords that lead people to your site through Google, Yahoo and

If you haven't yet heard of the long tail, you will soon. Connors Communications has figured out a way to use the long tail to your advantange when you decide what to write about in your blog, and what unique terms or keywords pack the most punch in terms of bringing visitors to your site. Their free service -- that's right, free -- is called HitTail. Here is a brief introduction: HitTail: A Practical Alternative to Paying for Search Hits.

This is an area of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that is just beginning to be explored. Services like HitTail, and the companies that create and use them, are going to be well positioned as the technology continues to be developed. Definitely worth checking out. Or let McBuzz Communications show you how to use HitTail to your advantage.